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Nursing Home Medication Mistakes and Injuries

Helping families nationwide

One of the most common and more severe forms of nursing home neglect involve the failure to make sure patients are given the proper medications or the proper amount of medication. Patients in nursing homes often take several different types of medications for a number of medical issues. If a patient receives the improper medication, this can lead to several injuries, additional serious medical conditions or even death. If you feel that someone you care about has suffered an injury as the result of a medication mistake in a nursing home then you should speak with a Kentucky nursing home and injury lawyer right away. They will work with you to make sure you receive the compensation you need for what you have been through.

What are some typical Medication Mistakes?

Nursing homes and medical facilities often do not have enough staff to make sure that every patient receives the proper medication at the proper time. Some typical medication mistakes that can lead to serious injury or death may include:

  • Giving a patient too much medicine
  • Giving a patient a medication that is not theirs or is the wrong amount
  • Failing to make sure the patient is not allergic to the medication
  • Giving the medication in a manner that is not instructed

What are some ways Medication Mistakes can be prevented in Kentucky Nursing Homes?

It is crucial that nursing home staff as well as any medical professionals in nursing homes pay close attention to their patients and their medications. They may need to alert a patient’s doctor when the person experiences a bad reaction to a medication or combination of medications. Some ways medication mistakes can be prevented in nursing homes include but are not limited to:

  • Review the medications to see what conditions they are prescribed for
  • Check to see if the medication may have possible interactions with other medicine
  • Check to see if the medication routine can be simplified or changed to make it safer
  • Make sure the medication amounts are accurate
  • Make sure each medication can be safety taken with other medications
  • Make medical staff and doctors aware of any medication problems

What should I do if a Medication Mistake has been made?

If you feel that a medication mistake has been made with someone you love and they have been injured or died as a result, it is strongly advised that you contact one of our experienced and caring Kentucky nursing home malpractice lawyers at the Higgins Firm as soon as possible. We will help you to review your case and if a claim of negligence is determined, we will work with you to make sure the responsible parties are held accountable and you receive the compensation you are entitled to for the injuries you and your family have suffered.

Contact us online or call us at 888-806-9299 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.

Nationwide Nursing Home & Abuse Lawyers

Dedicated legal advocates protecting your loved ones nationwide. When nursing homes break their promise of care, our experienced attorneys fight for the justice your family deserves.